Sol Gothard Lifetime Achievement
Award Winners
2016 Sol Gothard Award – Susan Robbins, PhD
Susan P. Robbins, Ph.D., is a professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. She holds licenses as an advanced clinical social worker (LCSW) and licensed chemical dependency counselor (LCDC) in Texas, Diplomate in Clinical Social Work from NASW and ABSWE, certification as a Master Forensic Social Worker and a Diplomate in Forensic Social Work from the American Board of Forensic Social Workers. From 1978-1980 she coordinated a Criminal Justice program at Dominican College in New Orleans. She teaches a graduate course on mediation and has served as a mediator and mediation trainer with the Dispute Resolution Center of Harris County since 1982. Working on a contract basis with the Texas Protective Services Training Institute from 2000-2009, she provided training for protective service workers, supervisors, lawyers and judges on false allegations and forensic interviewing and also serves as a consultant and expert witness in this area. She is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Social Work Education.
The award will be presented at the NOFSW annual conference at 8:30 AM, Saturday, June 18, 2016 at the Renaissance Arts Hotel in New Orleans, Louisiana. This is the highest award bestowed upon an individual by the NOFSW. It is presented to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the forensic social work profession, public welfare, and humankind.